

General Physician

General Physicians are highly trained specialists who provide a range of non-surgical health care to adult patients. They care for difficult, serious or unusual medical problems and continue to see the patient until these problems have resolved or stabilised.

Our team of general physicians is highly experienced and this experience stands them in good stead when they go ahead and diagnose different problematic conditions of the patient.


General physicians are especially trained to care for patients with complex illnesses, in which the diagnosis may be difficult. The general physician's broad training provides expertise in diagnosis and treatment of problems affecting different body systems in a patient. They are also trained to deal with social and psychological impact of disease.

General physicians are trained in the critical analysis of research reports and drug industry claims about new treatments. They are knowledgeable about complex interactions of medications given simultaneously to treat multiple illnesses in a patient. The general physician has special expertise in making treatment decisions to help patients with complex and serious illnesses.


The unique combination of knowledge, training and skills distinguishes general physicians from other medical specialists and general practitioners.

we provide treatments for malaria, dengue, typhoid, viral fever etc.